Sunday, January 3, 2016

A Prayer for Sunday, January 3, 2016

Tenth Day of Christmas

O God,

We praise you because your fullness
was pleased to dwell in Jesus Christ.

We praise you because you dwell as
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in your Church.

Help us as your Church to live out your
presence in us in the same ways that
Jesus lived out your presence in him.

Help us to worship you in Spirit and in truth.

By your Spirit, make us as aware
as we can be of who you truly are.

Enable us to worship you as you really
are, not as we would like you to be.

Thank you for sending Jesus to show
us who you truly are. Remind us to
keep our eyes on him. Then empower
us to serve you every moment of
every day in the same ways he did.

Grant that our worship of you in the
sanctuary and our service of you in the
world will express who you truly are
and who we truly are becoming in you.


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