Monday, September 14, 2015

A Prayer for Monday, September 14, 2015


O God,

Thank you for the privilege
to learn about things.

Thank you that we can learn

about the world,
about cultures, and
about ideas.

Thank you that we can learn

about ourselves,
about others, and even
about you.

Help us, though, not just to learn
about ourselves, others, and you.

Help us instead to know
ourselves, others, and you.

And as we come to know
ourselves, others, and you,
help us to love them all.

Help us furthermore to love you,
to love others, and to love ourselves
in ways that lead us to give ourselves
away for your sake and for others’ sake,

since it is in losing ourselves
that we find ourselves.

Don’t let us settle for knowing

about you,
about others, and
about ourselves.

Don’t let us live our lives keeping
everyone at arm’s length.

Help us instead

to know,
to love, and
to give.


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