Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A Prayer for Wednesday, August 13, 2014


O God,

Some days we feel glad;
thank you for those days.

Some days we feel glad

because someone has gotten better,
because someone has made it home,
because we have had some success,
because someone has received good news,
because an important project has been completed,
because a crisis has been successfully navigated,
because we get to do something we enjoy,
because it dawns on us how blessed we are,
because we catch a glimpse of how
everything just might possibly fit together.

We tend, though to pass quickly
through our gladness and
back into resignation
or frustration
or consternation
or whatever state
usually characterizes our daily living.

Give us a gladness that endures;
give us a gladness that is based
in our relationship with you and
not in our circumstances;
give us a gladness that persists at our center
rather than one that flits about our edges;
give us a gladness that is grounded in the eternal
rather than in the temporal but that
nonetheless enlivens our daily lives;
give us a gladness that is a little bit
of heaven on earth.

When we feel glad,
help us to live into our gladness,
to experience it fully,
to remember it well.


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