Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Prayer for Wednesday, May 16, 2012


We will find ourselves again today, O God, in the middle.

Perhaps we will get stuck in the middle, finding ourselves between people who are in conflict and who look to us either to support their position or to mediate between them and their opponent.

Perhaps we will place ourselves in the middle, choosing to act on a conviction or to try to meet a need in a way that makes us noticeable and thus vulnerable.

Perhaps we will stand in the middle, attempting to be open and objective rather than closed and doctrinaire, and doing the hard work of seeking the truth rather than taking the easy way out of assuming we own it.

We will trust you to be our eyes, our ears, and our minds as we live in the middle, O God, because only you can see, hear, and understand everything that is going on around us.


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